Friday, June 26, 2009

Warrior girl

Here is my entry for this month at the community sketch blog I joined. Which I am just going to pimp right now I really need to work on putting more energy and life into my drawings... waa... the coloured version of this kind of falls dead. oh well..

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some rough ladies and birdies and Doug

Ok so I trouble-shooted..shot whatever my scanner for about FOUR HOURS last night. Still don't know why it's screwed. But hooked up my 4+ year old Canon scanner and managed to get it to work magically. Here are some rough drawings, done at varying times over the past two months or so. Most of the girls I drew from pictures on but reworked them into my own style type of thingy I guess. Lots of new stuff coming soon since I can finally scan it :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

chel + tulio

this drawing is a couple months old (actually two drawings which I put together in photoshop) and I finally got around to slapping some colour on it. Not enough fanart of this movie :) El Dorado belongs to Dreamworks.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Here's a couple things I sketched in Flash at work on lurvley cintiq I am so priveleged to use

my scanner is, like, broken or something right now