Sunday, April 26, 2009


here is my student film "evolution." Animation and layouts were drawn by hand. Animation was coloured in Harmony and the backgrounds were painted in Photoshop.


Sketch blog said...

ur films FREAK'n Awesome~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey emily!

This film turned out looking so cool! I don't know why I like the space scene so much lol (must be the baller colours :D )

Sicreci said...

+That is so kyut...haha...

Trevor Hunter said...

Hey Emily,

This film is fantastic, tons of fun to watch.
also your sketches are great I would like to see some more.


Adam Temple said...

Nice film! Sorry to say I don't understand why everyone's so apalled when he's got that little dude in his hole, you'd have to explain that one.

Idan said...

Great film... I really felt sorry for that blue guy for a moment :-)